Full programme for 2024-2025 - coming soon
Please see below for examples of the workshops that will be on offered in 2025.
All programmes are 90 minutes.
Programmes for P1-3 classes
Our Senses, Our Stories (P1-3)
Take an amazing sensory journey through the natural world and explore your environment in surprising and unexpected ways. You will be guided on a tour of your senses through the garden, as you learn about how we can use them to help tell stories about ourselves and the world around us.
Teacher info sheet
Teddy Bears’ Trail (P1-3)
(formerly Teddy Bears’ Picnic)
Edward Bear invites your pupils and their teddies on a magical sensory adventure, to learn about the wonders of nature and discover how living things obtain the necessities of life. We will explore the garden and we will think about how we can help look after the environment.
Teacher info sheet
Programmes for P4-7 classes
Wild Words - the Poetry of Plants (P4-7)
Inspired by the bestselling book ‘The Lost Words’ by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris, this programme helps to hone your observation skills and train your senses as you explore the gardens. We will build up a collection of ‘wonder words’ to describe what we see, feel, hear, smell and touch, and create a ‘word-hoard’ which can be used back at school to conjure up your own poems that capture the essence of your experience to share with others.
Teacher info sheet
Life of Plants (P4-7)
Introducing you to the work of the Botanic Garden and what it takes to be a plant scientist. Explore the parts of a flower and what they do. Investigate the lifecycles of plants and recognise the different stages of their development throughout the seasons.
Teacher info sheet