
Join us in the garden for one of our engaging programmes for schools and empower your learners to play their part in our vision of a positive future for plants, people, and the planet.  

Our programmes are curriculum-linked and support national priorities such as Learning for Sustainability. Many of our sessions provide outdoor learning opportunities where pupils can connect with nature through hands on activities, learn and practice skills, and link their learning to real world issues and careers.  

We look forward to supporting you and your learners, giving them an experience to remember to spark their curiosity and inspire them to help protect our botanic world.

School Offer at the Edinburgh Garden

Our '24-25 schools’ workshops will open for bookings shortly - browse the full programme!

If you are looking to come for a self-led visit instead, please get in touch via

In the meantime, join our schools mailing list and receive updates when we launch our exciting new offer for the 24-25 academic year.

Edinburgh Biomes project

Watch this space as we develop our new approach due to the Edinburgh Biomes project. This is the Garden’s major glasshouse restoration and construction project which will protect our globally important Living Collection of plants for future generations. During this project our Glasshouses will be closed for several years. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.  

Funding to support visits
We have limited funding available in 2025 for schools that find it hard to access trips. This can support you with workshop and/or transport costs. Schools can request this at the time of booking. With thanks to the John Horseman Trust for their generous support.


School Programmes

Free online materials

Baby and Toddler Groups

Holiday Clubs at the Botanics