Regulations - Library and Archives

  • Your details

    You agree:

    • To provide the Library with the information needed to create and maintain your registration (name, address, email address) and to comply with health and safety requirements including contact tracing protocols.
    • To tell us of any changes to the information provided.

    Proof of identity, e.g. driving licence, passport, university matriculation card, may be requested.

    Health & Safety

    • All users are expected to abide by the RBGE’s health and safety procedures. These include following instructions from staff and informational signage relating to physical distancing, queuing and hand-washing.
    • Ladders and kick step stools are provided for use when retrieving items from high shelves in the Library; if you are unsure of how to use these please ask a member of the Library staff for assistance. 
    • Library and Archive items may contain staples and / or pins and so care should be taken when using them; if you find an item that contains a sharp object please do not attempt to remove the object and ask a member of the Library staff for assistance. 
    • You are advised to wear a face covering when moving around in the Library. 
    • Any user who intentionally disregards these instructions may have their visit suspended and may be asked to leave.
    • In the event of an emergency evacuation please follow the directions of Library staff.

    Using the Reading Room

    The following conditions do not cover every eventuality. Please follow any instructions you receive from Library staff.

    • Please wash your hands thoroughly before entering the Reading Room.
    • Please do not apply hand sanitiser in the Reading Room as it may include ingredients that will damage the collection. Gloves are available in the Library if required.
    • You are not allowed to bring the following items into the Reading Room:
      • Bags, coats, umbrellas, pens, food, drink, scissors, correction fluid, post-it notes, sellotape, knives, lighters or matches.
    • You should place any personal items in the lockers provided. 
    • You are allowed to use the following items in the Reading Room:
      • Laptop computers, mobile phones (on silent mode), pencils, notebooks.
    • If you bring personal property into the Library you do so at your own risk.
    • The Reading Room is intended to be an area for quiet study and conversation should be kept to a minimum.
    • Please inform a member of staff when you are leaving the Reading Room and notify them if you would like any items retained for further consultation.

    Handling Guidelines

    The following guidelines should be followed in order to prevent handling-related damage to the collections. Please ask a member of staff if you require any assistance handling material.

    • Do not fold, lean on, mark, disassemble or damage any items in the collections.
    • Please use the book supports / cushions provided when reading bound volumes.
    • When removing items from the shelves you should reach over and push the required item out from behind. Do not use the top of the spine to pull the book out as this will damage the item.
    • Please use the gloves provided in the Reading Room when consulting original photographs.
    • Please keep items in order and help us by informing a member of staff if anything appears to be damaged, missing or out of place.

    Copying Facilities

    Many of the items in our collections can be photographed or scanned for personal research purposes only. Please ask a member of staff for further information.

    Borrowing Privileges

    RBGE staff, research associates and students are permitted to borrow items from the Library collection.

    • Loans are issued to registered borrowers for their own use.
    • You are responsible for all items issued to you until you return them to the Library Service Desk. Items issued to you must not be passed on to anyone else.
    • If you are likely to be away from the RBGE for any length of time, e.g. during holidays or field trips, you should return items to the Library before your departure.
    • You must return items borrowed from the Library within 1 working day if they are requested by Library staff.
    • If you do not return a borrowed item when requested the Head of Library Services reserves the right to invoice you for the costs of purchasing a replacement copy.

    At the end of your contract or programme of study all borrowed items must be returned to the Library. The Library reserves the right to invoice you for the full costs of replacing any items that are not returned within a reasonable time period.

    Changes to regulations

    We may revise these regulations at any time and any changes will be notified via our website. By continuing to use our resources and services, after we notify a change of condition, you are agreeing to these revised terms and conditions of use.

    Data protection

    We will use the information you provide in accordance with the Data Protection Act, 1998.

    You must ensure that you use any information relating to living individuals that you find in our collections in accordance with the Data Protection Act, 1998.

  • Contact the Library and Archives

    To book a visit or if you have any queries relating to the Library or Archives please get in touch using this form

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