
Graham Peters

IN LOVING MEMORY OF A WONDERFUL SON, HUSBAND, DAD, PROUD GRANDAD AND TRUE FRIEND 30.6.52 – 26.4.17 Graham grew up in Edinburgh and met Anne in 1971. They married in 1974 and had 2 children, Mark and Claire. Sadly Mark died in 2011. Visits to the RBGE were a regular treat over the years. As a family they enjoyed caravan holidays and discovered Arnside. Graham and Anne loved the area and retired there. They were delighted to become grandparents to their 2 amazing grandsons, Alexander in 2014 and Archie in 2016 and had lots of happy times with the boys. Graham was a family man and loved being a grandad. Graham was diagnosed with cancer in 2016 and he died peacefully at home. He remained positive throughout his illness and lived life to the full. He will be missed so much by us all.