
Your search for "Collections" matched 261 page(s).

  • William Eggleston - Portraits 1974

    2007 - Eggleston

    William Eggleston: Untitled, 1974, pigment print on archival paper.   This exhibition was the first showing of large-format colour photographs by William Eggleston, taken in 1974 on a 5 x 7 camera but only recently printed for the first time.…

  • Engaging Gardens

    Engaging Gardens

    We want to make sure that every person can access and benefit from the health, wellbeing and learning opportunities offered by RBGE's four Gardens, Collections and expertise. We connect health and wellbeing,…

  • Wildlife at the gardens


    Gardens of all shapes and sizes are fantastic for wildlife. Our living plant collections provide a great range of homes, foods and breeding grounds for a variety of animals. The gardens also suppport many plants and fungi that have simply made…

  • A Green View at Logan Botanic Garden

    Green Logan

    Conservatory In 2014 a Victorian-styled conservatory was built. It was the first public glasshouse in the UK to be entirely heated by green energy sources. The Conservatory, which is also Logan’s first public glasshouse, generates its own heat…

  • Terms & Conditions

    Membership Terms and Conditions

    By purchasing or renewing membership with the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions: All memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. RBGE reserves the right to change the membership…

  • Our new Strategies launched

    Our new Strategies launched

    Eleventh hour hope for the planet lies in botany without boundaries Joint work, international collaboration and equity are key to addressing environmental sustainability in our time. That is the message from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE),…

  • Impact


    The last five years have been a period of challenge and transition for all of us, characterised by growing awareness of the threats posed by climate change and biodiversity loss, and of the fundamental connections between the natural world and…

  • What We Do

    What We Do

    The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh delivers world-leading plant science, conservation and education programmes.  Our mission is 'to explore, conserve and explain the world of plants'. All life is dependent on plants and fungi. Recent…

  • A day in the life of Professor Olwen Grace

    A day in the life of Professor Olwen Grace

    In the wake of publicity for the digitisation of the millionth specimen in the Herbarium in August, media attention turned to Professor Olwen Grace, Deputy Director of Science (Collections) and Curator of the Herbarium. In her Life With feature for…

  • Modern Slavery Statement

    Modern Slavery Statement

    Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Modern Slavery Statement Introduction Modern slavery is an umbrella term encompassing slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. In Scotland, the legal definition of these offences is set…

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