Donate to the Benmore Sequoia Avenue Appeal by Direct Debit
Donate to the Benmore Sequoia Avenue Appeal by Direct Debit
Donate to the American Friends of the Botanics Foundation
We’re on a mission to protect our planet’s incredible biodiversity and spark innovative solutions for real change. Our work reaches across the globe, and you can help us do more. Plants protect us every day—they clean our air, nourish us, and…
Herbarium Donation
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Edinburgh Biomes Direct Debit Donation Page
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Green Planet Appeal
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Green Planet Appeal
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Capability Brown of France: unsung Corstorphine gardener
Capability Brown of France: unsung Corstorphine gardener
During Book Week Scotland (18-24th November) the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh will be exploring the life of Thomas Blaikie (1750-1838), dubbed the "Capability Brown of France", through his diaries and related papers recently donated to the RBGE…
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