We develop and use standard DNA barcodes and genomic barcoding approaches for species discrimination

Telling the world's plant species apart is difficult. DNA barcoding is one way of tackling this problem, and involves the development of large scale reference databases of verified DNA sequences which can be used as a resource for species disovery and plant identification.


We have played a major role in the development of DNA based methods for telling species apart. We led international efforts to establishing standards and coordinate global efforts to build large scale DNA reference libaries for plants, as part of the International Barcode of Life project and the Consortium for the Barcode of Life

We have worked to evaluate, understand, and refine the standard DNA barcodes for plants, to support efficient use and optimal deployment.

We are developing and comparing new methodologies for extending the concept of standard DNA barcoding to include greater genomic coverage, capitalising on recent developments in new sequencing platforms.

We are also evaluating methodologies for improving recovery of DNA sequence data from preserved herabrium and museum specimens.

Our DNA barcoding projects:

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