Edinburgh Journal of Botany

The Edinburgh Journal of Botany (EJB) is a Diamond Open Access international journal of plant systematics covering related aspects of biodiversity, conservation science and phytogeography.


  • Diamond open access
  • Published continuously online
  • Internationally peer-reviewed
  • Online-only

The Edinburgh Journal of Botany (Volume 78 onwards) is published by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and is a Diamond Open Access international journal. Please visit the journal website.

The journal provides global coverage of all groups of plants and fungi and is a particularly valued forum for research on South East and South West Asia, Sino-Himalaya and Brazilian biodiversity. The journal also publishes important work on European, Central American and African biodiversity and encourages submissions from thoughout the world. Commissioned book reviews are also included.

All papers are peer reviewed and an international editorial board provides a body of expertise to reflect the wide range of work published and the geographical spread of the journal's authors and readers.

For all new submissions to Edinburgh Journal of Botany, please visit the new submissions portal.

You can receive updates on the latest articles to be published in the EJB via Twitter @EJBotany

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