The items in these collections are extremely rare and potentially irreplaceable and users are therefore asked to use more than ordinary care when handling them.
- The Head of the Library reserves the right to refuse requests for access to items in these collections, for example, where items are in a fragile condition;
- Library staff will retrieve and reshelve all items; retrieved items should remain on the consultation table at all times;
- Users must use any cushions, supports and weights that are provided by the Library staff;
- Users must ensure that they have clean, dry hands that are free from lotions at all times when handling items; Library staff reserve the right to ask users to wash their hands and will withhold items until such requests have been complied with;
- Users must agree to wear gloves if requested to do so by the Library staff, for example, when handlng photographic materials;
- Users are strictly prohibited from writing on, scoring or otherwise marking materials;
- No objects should be laid on items, with the exception of special weights that will be provided by Library staff where appropriate.
The Library follows best practice in the sector and reserves the right to update these rules as required in order to reflect this.