At the age of nineteen, Ulrich Ruckreim began an apprenticeship as a stonemason which shaped his artistic output thereafter. Born in Dusseldorf in 1938 he is internationally known for the creation of monumental works in stone. These have changed the perception of sculpture as seen in a classical sense - concentrating as it does, upon mass, volume, material, and the relationship between the material, and the environment within which it is situated.
However, this exhibition for Inverleith House consisted of one hundred and seven drawings - each drawn in graphite on seven overlapping layers of translucent paper, shown behind glass. The rectangular image area of 84cm x 60cm was divided horizontally and vertically twice, three and four times. These variations, viewed and given volume through the layers, were organised to be seen as a progression or sequence through the seven rooms of Inverleith House.
This exhibition was kindly supported by The Henry Moore Foundation, with assistance from The Goethe Institut, Glasgow.