Nature Printed Illustrations
Nature Printing refers to a technique in which the image of an object is reproduced life-size by inking or pigmenting that object. The RBGE collections include a number of works that use this technique:
The Collection
Henry Craven Baildon
- Nature printed ferns, 186* (see sample illustration on this page)
Frederick Manson Bailey & Karl Theodor Staiger
- An illustrated monograph of the grasses of Queensland, 1879
Paulo Boccone (1633-1704)
- A small collection of nature prints of Sicilian plants made in the late 17th century
Henry Riley Bradbury (1829-1860)
- A few leaves represented by nature printing, 1854
- Published works on ferns and seaweeds
Hugh Cleghorn (1820-1895)
- Numerous original works made in the Madras Presidency by Cleghorn in the 1850s.
- see also The Indian Collections
John Frederick Doughty (1943- )
Born in Denver, Colorado, John Doughty is a self-taught printer, making his first nature prints in 1980.
- A collection of 26 nature prints, 2001-2010 (see sample illustration on this page)
Johann Jakob Hunziker (1831-1923)
- Nature’s Selfprinting, Mangalore, 1862
Johann Hieronymus Kniphof (1704-1763)
- Botanica in Originali seu Herbarium vivum - published in the 1760s in twelve parts, each with 100 plants
Henry Smith
- Nature Printing from Unprepared Plants, Madras, 1857
Catherine Mary Stirling [née Wellings] (1819-1879)
The wife of John Stirling (1811-1882), 7th of Kippendavie (Kippenross), Catherine wrote up her method of nature printing in a communication read by Thomas Croxen Archer to a meeting of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, See Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 7: 529-530 (1863)
- Bound volume of 25 sheets of entitled Pencil Sketches of Plant Leaves, 1861
- A collection of 26 nature prints, 2001-2010 (see sample illustration on this page)
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