Artist Collaborations

The herbarium regularly welcomes artists in to work with the collections.

A wide variety of work results from these collaborations, with pieces that are inspired by the natural forms found within our collections.

Some recent collaborations have included:

Spinning the Yarn

Art and Science - a Natural Relationship

A sculptural take on our collections

A collaboration between RBGE and Edinburgh College of Art

Inspired by Seaweeds

Salix lanata and Woolly Originals

Cicerbita alpina and Woolly Originals

A botanical glimpse

Artists wishing to visit the Herbarium collection please use the 'Contact Us' form at the bottom of this page.


Spinning the Yarn

Art and Science - a Natural Relationship

A sculptural take on our Herbarium collection

A collaboration between RBGE and Edinburgh College of Art

Inspired by Seaweeds in the Herbarium

Salix lanata and Woolly Originals

Cicerbita alpina and Woolly Originals

a botanical glimpse

Contact the Herbarium

If you have any queries relating to the Herbarium, please get in touch using the form

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