We welcome visits by print and broadcast media representatives researching stories or seeking photographs on the four Gardens of RBGE and our outreach in science, horticulture, education and art and also our role as visitor destinations.
Where at all possible, please contact us in advance of your visit and provide early indication of any special requirements you might want to request. Access will be limited to the public areas of the Gardens, unless otherwise requested.
Please contact our Press Office if you are a member of the media and plan on taking photos or videos during your visit to the Gardens.
We will handle non-commercial filming and photography free of charge or part-charged if we think it will benefit RBGE (by publicising our scientific and horticultural work or status as a visitor attraction). Any charge would depend on the nature and duration of your filming in the Gardens.
These guidelines outline the service we provide and what is required of you.
Making a filming/photography request
- Submit a detailed itinerary to the Press Office including locations, plants, interviews and accurate timings.
- The Glasshouses are currently closed for refurbishment and are no longer available for filming/photography.
- Commercial filming is charged by the hour and in consideration of impact on Garden operations. Additional expenses may be incurred such as security and horticultural fees.
Pre-filming preparation
- Recce: we require the crew/photographer to carry out a recce with a member of RBGE staff.
- Location release: we will sign this at the recce stage
- Insurance agreement: supply this at the recce stage
- Personal/parental release forms: it is the responsibility of the crew/photographer to gain signed consent where necessary before filming.
Requirements on day of filming/photography
- RBGE staff accompany the crew/photographer at all times, your filming is dependent on staff being available.
- We ask that you do not interact with the public. It is essential that you consult us if you intend to interact with the public and, if we agree, that you gain personal/parental permission.