The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is proud to be taking part in the 'Towards a National Collection' project, to unearth connections between cultural and heritage collections across the UK.
Towards a National Collection
We write as the united museums, galleries, libraries and archives of the UK. From famous international institutions to small, local collections, we are proud of our diverse and unique identities, that reflect the different communities whose stories we tell.
But times like this, when digital access to culture is all we have, remind us that our separate collections are also one, single, national collection: your collection.
Earlier this year the Arts and Humanities Research Council, part of UK Research & Innovation (UKRI), began a five-year programme called 'Towards a National Collection', whose goal is to help us, working with UK universities, to bring our collections together digitally in new and exciting ways. When the national lockdown began that ambition overnight became even more urgent and important – unlocking the power of our collections not only as a vital resource for research, but to bring beauty, education, inspiration and solace into all of our lives.
Starting today, for the remainder of the lockdown and, we hope, far into the future, we are committing to work together online as never before to celebrate the connections between us, to bring our treasures together in fresh and surprising ways, and to shine a spotlight on some of the little-known wonders of our shared national collection. Look out for the hashtag #collectionsunited over the coming weeks for a regular moment of delight or inspiration – and get involved yourself, by exploring our digitised collections and making and sharing your own connections and discoveries.
* Archives & Records Association * Art Fund * Art UK * Association of Independent Museums * Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals * Collections Trust * Culture24 * Independent Research Organisation Consortium * Libraries Connected * Museum Association * Museum Detox * Museums Galleries Scotland * National Lottery Heritage Fund * National Museum Directors Council * Research Libraries UK * Society for College, National and University Libraries *University Museums Group