By purchasing or renewing membership with the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  1. All memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.
  2. RBGE reserves the right to change the membership benefits at any time and without prior notice.
  3. Membership of RBGE is valid for 12 consecutive months unless a life membership has been purchased.
  4. Members must show a valid membership card to obtain entry to RBGE Gardens and to receive other membership benefits.
  5. We aim to process all membership packs within 10 working days once an application has been received.
  6. You can use your temporary membership receipt or confirmation email to gain access to RBGE Gardens and other membership benefits prior to receiving your membership pack.
  7. RBGE membership allows cardholders free or discounted admission to participating reciprocal gardens in the UK and overseas. Members must show their valid membership card in order to gain admission to these gardens.
  8. We will contact you at the start of the month when your membership is due for renewal with further information on how to continue your subscription.
  9. Payment by Direct Debit is the simplest and most convenient way to pay your RBGE subscription and, if you choose to change your payment method to Direct Debit, you will be eligible for our lowest annual rates. Your Direct Debit membership will renew automatically each year until you choose to cancel. A renewal letter will be sent out giving a minimum of 10 working days for you to notify us of any change or cancellation before the next payment is due to be collected. You can cancel your Direct Debit at any time by contacting your bank. If you do cancel, please notify the Membership Office on +44 (0)131 248 29 29 or
  10. We reserve the right to refuse admission and/or cancel memberships without refund if anyone behaves in a threatening or abusive way to any person at any of our four Gardens or damages or threatens to damage any of the collections or property of RBGE.
  11. RBGE reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.
  12. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details on how we handle your data.

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