Susan Hoy

I have come to botanical illustration after a career in Mathematics teaching. Having always drawn and painted, and being interested in botany, I noticed the work being done by other artists here in Australia. Inspired by their work, I looked for a course and originally completed RBGE’s Certificate in Botanical Illustration, online, in 2018. Realising during this time that I loved the process of discovery, research, preparation and painting, I joined the Diploma of Botanical Illustration Course at RBGE in 2021.

My current focus is on Australian native plants and in particular, those of the Tweed Valley caldera in Northern New South Wales, Australia.

Title of the Project:

Native medicinal plants of North Eastern New South Wales, Australia.

About the Project:

Many of Australia’s native plants have medicinal value. This project studies 5 plants native to the north-east coast of New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland, Australia, that have traditionally been used by Indigenous Australians and have been tested for their potential as future medicines. While growing in large numbers in this region, both naturally, and for use to protect the dunes from erosion, and as street plants and hedging, they can often be overlooked for other potential uses, in particular, medicinal.

I have long held a fascination for medicine and the treatment of human disease, and this led to my research into these plants that Indigenous Australians have historically used to alleviate illness.


Lemon Myrtle, Backhousia citriodora Muell., 2024, Watercolour on paper, 51.3 x 39.5 cm

Tuckeroo, Cupaniopsis anacardioides ( A Rich.) Radlk. 2023,Watercolour on paper, 28.5 x 40 cm

Cottonwood Hibiscus, Hibiscus tiliaceus, 2024, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 55.5 cm

Brush Cherry, Syzygium australe, 2023, Watercolour on paper, 27.8 x 40 cm

Coastal She-oak, Casuarina equisetifolia incana (Benth.) L.A.S Johnson, 2024, Watercolour on paper, 43 x 72 cm

Recipient of the Eve Reid Bennett Award for ‘most progress in the subject of Botanical Illustration’, 2024

Eve Bennett was a wonderfully respected botanical illustrator and teacher at RBGE and this prize is awarded in her memory.

Susan has understood the demands and requirements of broad research, observation and close analysis of her plants seen in the work on her native Australian Banksia integrifolia. Through the course she flourished, exploring and experimented with drawing and painting whilst developing her skills seen in this fascinating and delicate collection of Medicinal native plants.

Congratulations Susan for your sense of enquiry and always that extra ‘push’.

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