Maryann Roper

I am retired from an academic career in Medicine (Pediatric Oncology), having had appointments at several universities and at the National Institutes of Health / National Cancer Institute.

Plants have always been part of my life. Some years ago, I began to take botanical art classes and have been working on growing that interest.

Title of the Project:

Nut-bearing trees native to the Southeast United States

About the Project:

When I see trees, I see leaves, bark, color, shape, size. Choosing to paint trees for my final year project was meant to push myself to look beyond the leaves: to see what I don’t often have the opportunity to see. This quickly became as much of a botany project as an art project.

Finding the staminate and pistillate flowers of each species was more of a challenge than I had imagined. Dissecting developing nuts led to [for me] the surprise discovery of a liquid phase in nut development.

Showing fall leaves and different aspects of the final maturation of nuts is the focus of this set of paintings.


Pecan, Carya illinoinensis, 2024, Watercolor and graphite on paper, 56 x 56 cm

Shagbark Hickory, Carya ovata, 2024, Watercolor and graphite on paper, 56 x 56 cm

Black Walnut, Juglans nigra, 2024, Watercolor and graphite on paper, 56 x 56 cm

Overcup Oak, Quercus lyrata, 2024, Watercolor and graphite on paper, 56 x 56 cm

Buckeye, Aesculus sp., 2024, Watercolor and graphite on paper, 56 x 56 cm

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