Ann Deckers
I currently work as head of collections at the Fotomuseum in Antwerp. With my background in photograph conservation, I am involved daily with the preservation of the collection and further sustainable development of the collection management.
Although drawing was central to me from a young age, I only rediscovered this first love much later with the RBGE courses. It combines two great interests, flowers/plants/trees and drawing. Through new drawing projects, I hope to stimulate others to pay attention to conservation and the sustainable management of our natural environment.
Title of the Project:
Women's herbs: Plants that support female health and well-being
About the Project:
During a foraging walk in the gardens of the Vegetable Museum t'Grom in Sint-Katelijne-Waver (Belgium), I was introduced to women's herbs, revered for their early role in supporting female health and well-being. It provided the inspiration to discover native plants that have historically contributed to the unique needs of women.
These plants, with their history and potential medicinal properties, are recognized for their effectiveness in alleviating a range of women's health problems – from uterine disorders to menopausal discomfort, from aiding childbirth to promoting lactation. Many of these plants, once abundant, are now on the brink of extinction. Our collective understanding of their properties and uses has faded.
With these works I would like to bring the history, use and beauty of these neglected weeds a little bit back into the spotlight.