Jenny Ford

After a degree in Geography and a time in accountancy, I made a career change to study Textiles at Loughborough and an MA in Fine Art (Tapestry) at the Royal College of Art later in life. 

My art inspirations have always come from organic forms in nature, so the Botanical Illustration Diploma has been fulfilling and challenging in equal measure.

Title of the Project:

Rubus Genus

About the Project:

My idea developed after studying Stella Ross-Craig’s drawings in “Drawings of British Plants”.  In this book, she illustrated in pen and ink 17 plants of the many Rubus genus growing naturally in the British Isles.  There is a lovely description of how she observed, collected specimens and fruits from her chosen plants before other “two-legged predators” ate valuable information. My collection comprises two non-UK native species, a wild UK native and two cultivated species.  I chose to concentrate on leaves, prickles and stems in particular, along with the details of the flowers and fruits.



Rubus phoenicolasius, 60 cm x 46 cm, Watercolour on paper, 2021


Rubus lineatus, 46 cm x 60 cm, Watercolour on paper, 2021


Rubus idaeus ‘Autumn Bliss’, 60 cm x 46 cm, Watercolour on paper, 2021


Rubus fruticosus ‘Loch Ness’, 60 cm x 46 cm, Watercolour on paper, 2021


Rubus fruticosus agg., 60 cm x 46 cm, Watercolour on paper, 2021

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