Scottish Plant Conservation Programme
- at least 75 per cent of threatened plant species in ex situ collections, preferably in the country of origin
- at least 20 per cent available for recovery and restoration programmes
Scottish Plant Conservation Programme area of the Nursery is devoted to the conservation of the native plants of Scotland (Target 8).
The area has been successful in propagating many of the Scotland’s threatened plants and has lead the way in developing protocols for reintroduction of species into the natural environment.

Notable successes include native Sorbus such as Sorbus arranensis, (Arran Whitebeam, Gall-uinnsean Arainneach) and Cicerbita alpina, (Alpine Blue-sow-thistle, Bliochdan Gorm Ailpeach). For both a methods of propagation and cultivation had to be developed, maintaining and recording the genetic spread.

Sorbus arranensis
Cicerbita alpina production