Dr Michael Möller, Molecular Systematist/Cytologist

Email: Michael Moeller

Google Scholar profile

Molecular Systematist and Cytologist at RBGE. His main research interest focuses around Gesneriaceae, especially those of the Old World. RBGE has a long history of research in this plant group, and state-of-the-art analytical methods are applied to address a wide range of topics, covering phylogeny, biogeography, evolutionary development, and cytology and genome evolution.


Research Interests:

  • Utilisation of Sanger and NGS molecular data to establish a classification for Gesneriaceae;
  • Linking phylogeny and developmental studies to infer the evolution of key characters in Gesneriaceae;
  • Investigate chromosome and genome evolution using conventional and FISH in Gesneriaceae;
  • Assemble high-quality T2T genomes of Gesneriaceae, with the aim to isolate and characterise genes underlying the morphological diversity in Gesneriaceae.



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