Dr Caroline Lehmann, Taxonomy and Macroecology Lead
My current field research program focusses on understudied regions such as Madagascar, southern Africa and South-East Asia and how improved understanding of these regions can inform understanding of community assembly and dynamics of grassy biomes. This work is funded by The Royal Society, NERC, Darwin Initiative and DEFRA.
My FunkyBio (a play on functional biogeography) research group, collaborates closely with scientists across regions. I am jointly appointed between the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and University of Edinburgh where I am a Senior Lecturer and teach on the undergraduate Geography programme in the School of GeoSciences. Additionally, I hold an adjunct position with the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=5HBNH_QAAAAJ&hl=en
Postdocs, students and staff based at RBGE working with Funky Bio and Tropical Diversity
Dr Leanne Phelps – postdoc
Jess Rickenback – PhD student
Felix Trotter – PhD student
Elizabeth Telford – PhD student
Susan Eshelman – PhD student
Elliot Fisher – PhD student
Jakub Wieczorkowski – Research assistant
Anya Courtenay – MRes student