Dr Markus Ruhsam, Plant Molecular Ecologist

I am a botanist with over 30 years of experience in plant identification who also uses genetic tools to study and understand plant diversity. The combination of morphological and molecular techniques is a powerful approach to investigate evolutionary processes which, for instance, has led to the discovery of a new species of monkey puzzle trees (Araucaria) in New Caledonia by RBGE and collaborators.  A particular interest of mine are the processes which shape and change plant populations over time (phylogeography).

My current research interests include

  • Phylogeography and phylogenetics of New Caledonian Araucaria species
  • Hybridisation between wild apple ("crab apple", Malus sylvestris) and cultivated apple (M. domestica) in the UK
  • The possible consequences of hybridisation for plant species e.g. is the native British bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) threatened by the introduced 'Spanish' bluebell (Hyacinthoides hispanica)
  • Effects of fragmentation on populations
  • Plant speciation

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Contact: MRuhsam@rbge.org.uk

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