Lembrechts JJ, van den Hoogen J, Aalto J et al. Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology
Ahrends A, Bulling MT, Platts PJ, Swetnam R, Ryan C, Doggart N, et al. Detecting and predicting forest degradation: A comparison of ground surveys and remote sensing in Tanzanian forests. Plants, People, Planet. 2021; 3(3):268-81. doi: 10.1002/ppp3.10189.
Supporting Information
Supporting Field Protocol
Hollingsworth P, O'Brien D, Ennos R, R Yahr LN, A Ahrends, KT Ballingall, et al. Scotland’s biodiversity progress to 2020 Aichi targets: Conserving genetic diversity–Development of a national approach for addressing Aichi Biodiversity Target 13 that includes wild species. Scottish Natural Heritage. 2020.
A Ahrends, I Malugu, W Kindeketa, N Gross-Camp, ND Burgess, S Freeman, et al. Saving Forests, Changing Lives. Current status and trends in the Tanzanian coastal forests and their woody resources. Dar es Salaam: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, WWF Tanzania Country Office, Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology, University of East Anglia, TRAFFIC East Africa, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 2019.
He X, Burgess KS, Yang XF, Ahrends A, Gao LM, Li DZ. Upward elevation and northwest range shifts for alpine Meconopsis species in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains region. Ecol Evol. 2019; 9(7):4055-64. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5034.
Ahrends A, Hollingsworth PM, Beckschafer P, Chen H, Zomer RJ, Zhang L, et al. China's fight to halt tree cover loss. Proc Biol Sci. 2017; 284(1854). doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2559.
Supporting Data
Clugston JAR, Jeffree CE, Ahrends A, Mill RR. Do Environmental Factors Affect the Taxonomic Reliability of Leaf Cuticular Micromorphological Characters? A Case Study in Podocarpaceae. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 2017; 74(3):299-343. doi: 10.1017/s0960428617000233.
Wulff AS, Hollingsworth PM, Piquet M, Ahrends A, L'Huillier L, Fogliani B. High levels of population differentiation in two New Caledonian Scaevola species (Goodeniaceae) and its implications for conservation prioritisation and restoration. Australian Journal of Botany. 2017; 65(2). doi: 10.1071/bt16086.
Burgess, N.D., Malugu, I., Sumbi, P., Kashindye, A., Kijazi, A., Tabor, K., Mbilinyi, B., Kashaigili, J., Wright, T.M., Gereau, R.E., Coad, L., Knights, K., Carr, J., Ahrends, A., Newham, R.L. (2016) Two decades of change in state, pressure and conservation responses in the coastal forest biodiversity hotspot of Tanzania. Oryx 51(1):77-86
Huafang, C., Zhuangfang, Y., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Ahrends, A., Beckschäfer, P., Kleinn, P., Ranjitkar, S., Xu, J. (2016). Pushing the limits: the pattern and dynamics of rubber monoculture expansion in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Plos One 11 (2), e0150062.
Pellens, R., Ahrends, A., Hollingsworth, P.M., Grandcolas, P. (2015). Assessing hotspots of evolutionary distinctiveness with data from multiple phylogenies: an analysis of endemic clades from New Caledonia. In: Pellens, R. and Grandcolas, P. (eds). Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics: species protection in an extinction crisis. Springer.237-262.
Willcock, S., Phillips, O.L., Platts, P.J., Swetnam, R.D., Balmford, A., Burgess, N.D., Ahrends, A., Bayliss, J., Doggart, N., Doody, K., Fanning, E., Green, J.M.H., Hall, J., Howell, K.L., Lovett, J.C., Marchant, R., Marshall, A.R., Mbilinyi, B., Munishi, P.K.T., Owen, N., Topp-Jorgensen, E.J., Lewis, S.L. (2016). Land cover change and carbon emissions over 100 years in an African biodiversity hotspot. Global Change Biology 22: 2787-2800.
Teichroew, J.L., Xu, J., Ahrends, A., Huang, Z.Y., Tan, K., Xie, Z. (2016) Is China's unparalleled and understudied bee diversity at risk? Biological Conservation DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.05.023
Zomer, R., Neufeldt, H., Xu, J., Ahrends, A., Bossia, D., Trabucco, A., van Noordwyk, M., Wang, M. (2016). Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land: The contribution of agroforestry to global and national carbon budgets. Scientific Reports 6: 29987. DOI: 10.1038/srep29987.
Ahrends, A., Hollingsworth, P.M., Ziegler, A.D., Fox, J.M., Chen, H., Yufang, S. and Xu, J. (2015) Current trends of rubber plantation expansion may threaten biodiversity and livelihoods. Global Environmental Change. 34: 48-58
Supporting Data.
Burgess, N.D., Ashagre, B., Njana, M., Platts, P., Schaafsma, M., Ahrends, A., Shennan-Farpon, Y., Arnell, A., Lokina. (2015) Synthesis valuation for the Eastern Arc Mountains. A report for the Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre Technical Report.
Green, J.M.H., Ahrends, A., Balmford, A., Burgess, N.D., Fjeldsā, J., Gereau, R.E., Hansen, L., Howell, K., Loader, S., Lovett, J.C., Marchant, R., Menegon, M., Morse-Jones, S., Ngalason, W., Platts, P., Rovero, F., Swetnam, R.D. & Spawls, S. (2014). Many unique and rare species are found in the Eastern Arc. The Arc Journal 29: 4-6.
Jump, A.S., Carr, M., Ahrends, A. & Marchant, R. (2014). Genetic divergence during long-term isolation in highly diverse populations of tropical trees across the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Biotropica, 46: 565-574
Rovero, F., Menegon, M., Fjeldså, J., Collett, L., Doggart, N., Leonard, C., Norton, G., Owen, N., Perkin, A., Spitale, D., Ahrends, A., & Burgess, N.D. (2014). Targeted vertebrate surveys enhance the faunal importance and improve explanatory models within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya and Tanzania. Diversity and Distributions, 20: 1438-1449
Schaafsma, M., Ahrends, A., Balmford, A., Burgess, N.D., Jeha, L., Kitula, M., Makero, J., Malimbwi, R., Marchant, R., Ngaga, Y.M., Ngowi, S., Platts, P., Swetnam, R., Treue, T., Turner, K., & Willcock, S. (2014) High value timber is declining. Arc Journal, 29: 11-12
Willcock, S., Phillips, O.L., Platts, P.J., Balmford, A., Burgess, N.D., Lovett, J.C., Ahrends, A., Bayliss, J., Doggart, N., Doody, K., Fanning, E., Green, J.M.H., Hall, J., Howell, K.L., Marchant, R., Marshall, A.R., Mbilinyi, B., Munishi, P.K.T., Owen, N., Swetnam, R.D., Topp-Jorgensen, E.J., & Lewis, S.L. (2014). Quantifying and Understanding Carbon Storage and Sequestration Within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania, a Tropical Biodiversity Hotspot. Carbon Balance and Management 9: 2 doi:10.1186/1750-0680-9-2
Huang J, Ahrends A, He J, Gui H, Xu J & Mortimer PE. Environmental factors influencing seed oil production in Camellia reticulata L. grown in Yunnan Province, China. (2013). Industrial Crops and Products 50: 797-802
Wulff, AS, Hollingsworth, PM, Ahrends A, Jaffré, T, Veillon, JM, L’Huillier, L & Fogliani, B. (2013). Conservation priorities in a biodiversity hotspot: analysis of narrow endemic plant species in New Caledonia. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73371. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073371
Ahrends, A. (2012). Case study: Wood fuel impacts on biodiversity. In: Grooten, M., Almond, R., McLellan, R., Dudley, N., Duncan, E., Oerlemans, N. & Stolton, S. (edts.) (2012). WWF – Living Planet Report 2012. Biodiversity, capacity and better choices. Gland, Switzerland. pp 78-79.
Poudel RC, Möller M, Gao L-M, Ahrends A, Baral SR, Liu J, Thomas P and DZ Li (2012) Using Morphological, Molecular and Climatic Data to Delimitate Yews along the Hindu Kush-Himalaya and Adjacent Regions. PLoS ONE 7(10):e46873.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046873
Willcock, S, Phillips OL, Platts, PJ, Balmford, A, Burgess, ND, Lovett, JC, Ahrends, A, Bayliss, J, Doggart, N, Doody K, Fanning, E, Green, J, Hall, J, Howell, KL, Marchant, R, Marshall, AR, Mbilinyi, B, Munishi, PKT, Owen, N, Swetnam, RD, Topp-Jorgensen, EJ and Lewis, SL. (2012). Towards regional, error-bounded landscape carbon storage estimates for data deficient areas of the world. PLoS One 7, e44795.
Ahrends A, Burgess ND, Gereau RE, Marchant R, Bulling MT, Lovett JC, Platts PJ, Wilkins Kindemba V, Owen N, Fanning E and Rahbek C (2011). Funding begets biodiversity. Diversity and Distributions 17, 191-200.
Ahrends A., Burgess N.D., Milledge S.A.H., Bulling M.T., Fisher B., Smart J.C.R., Clarke G.P., Mhoro B.E. & Lewis S.L. (2011). Predictable waves of sequential forest degradation and biodiversity loss spreading from an African city. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 14556-14561.
Supporting Data: Dataset I and Dataset II
Ahrends, A, Rahbek C, Bulling MT, Burgess ND, Platts PJ, Lovett JC, Kindemba VW, Owen N, Sallu AN, Marshall AR, Mhoro BE, Fanning E and Marchant R (2011). Conservation and the botanist effect. Biological Conservation 144, 131-140.
Chaigneau, T., Ahrends, A., Argent, J., Riddhiraska, N. and Marchant, R. Moist lower montane rainforest classification: a case study from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda.African Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2009.01182.x
Platts P.J., Ahrends A., Gereau R.E., McClean C., Lovett J.C., Marshall A., Pellikka P., Mulligan M., Fanning E. & Marchant R. (2010). Can distribution models help refine inventory-based estimates of conservation priority? A case study in the Eastern Arc forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Diversity & Distributions 16 (4): 628-642. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2010.00668.x
Blomley, T., Pfliegner, K., Isango, J., Zahabu, E., Ahrends, A. and Burgess, N. (2008). Seeing the Wood for the Trees: Towards an objective assessment of the impact of Participatory Forest Management on forest condition in Tanzania. Oryx 42: 380-391.
Ahrends, A. and Marchant, R. (2008). Vegetation data analysis - Ukwiva Forest Reserve. Unpublished report to Frontier Tanzania. York/Dar es Salaam.
Ahrends, A. and Marchant, R. (2008). Vegetation data analysis - Pala Ulanga Forest Reserve. Unpublished report to Frontier Tanzania. York/Dar es Salaam.
Milledge, S.A.H., Gelvas, I.K. and Ahrends, A. (2007). Forestry, Governance and National Development: Lessons Learned from a Logging Boom in Southern Tanzania. An Overview. TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa, Tanzania Development Partners Group, Tanzania Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Dar es Salaam.
Milledge, S.A.H., Gelvas, I.K. and Ahrends, A. (2007). Forestry, Governance and National Development: Lessons Learned from a Logging Boom in Southern Tanzania. TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa, Tanzania Development Partners Group, Tanzania Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Dar es Salaam.
Ahrends, A. and Marchant, R. (2007). Vegetation data analysis - Kanga Forest Reserve. Unpublished report to Frontier Tanzania. York/Dar es Salaam.
Ahrends, A. and Marchant, R. (2007). Vegetation data analysis - Nguru South Forest Reserve. Unpublished report to Frontier Tanzania. York/Dar es Salaam.
Ahrends, A. and Marchant, R. (2006). Vegetation data analysis - Sali Forest Reserve. Unpublished report to Frontier Tanzania. York/Dar es Salaam.
Ahrends, A., Jump, A., Lovett, J.C. and Marchant, R. (2006). Vegetation data analysis - Mselezi Forest Reserve. Unpublished report to Frontier Tanzania. York/Dar es Salaam.
Ahrends, A. (2005). Patterns of degradation in lowland coastal forests in Coast Region, Tanzania. A thesis submitted to the University of Greifswald, Germany in candidacy for the degree of ‘Diplom'.
Ahrends, A. and Mohoro, B.E. (2005). Pugu forest - going, going... The Arc Journal. 17:23