Dr Colin Pendry, Flora of Nepal Editor and Production Manager

My expertise is in plant taxonomy and systematics, with a background in plant ecology. Since 2004 my primary focus has been the Flora of Nepal, for which I write accounts, as well as coordinating and editing the contributions of other authors. Previously I have worked in Latin America, South East Asia and the Caribbean, collecting plants and carrying out floristic and monographic studies.

I manage the contributions of experts to the Flora of Nepal, commissioning accounts, liaising with authors, managing the Nepalese data in our Padme database and coordinating online publication ahead of the publication of the print volumes. I have worked on the accounts of 10 families for the Flora and my current focus is on the Labiatae.

I edited Nepal: An Introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. Nepal is a microcosm for the Himalayas and this is the definitive account of the country’s environment. This companion volume to the Flora of Nepal includes contributions from more than forty international experts describing the region’s geology, geomorphology, hydrology, climate, soils, evolutionary biology, ecology, palynology, ethnobotany, anthropology and conservation.

My fieldwork in Nepal has mainly been in its poorly collected western regions and up to 2018 I have been on nine field trips which have yielded thousands of specimens, helping to improve our understanding of the taxonomy and distribution of plants in Nepal.


ResearchGate profile

Contact c.pendry@rbge.org.uk

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