Dr Matt Elliot, Plant Health and Biosecurity Scientist

It is important that research provides evidence that can be used by policy makers and practitioners to improve plant health and biosecurity. My research therefore provides cross-sectoral practical management advice for land managers and plant producers to both prevent future pest and disease incursions and manage the introduced species we already have.

Specific research interests include: clarifying the pathways which enable novel species to enter a new region; gauge their spread once introduced; quantifying the impact of pests and diseases and the vulnerability of native habitats to invasion; the non-market costs of introduced species; evaluating the regulatory actions that are, and could be, used to improve biosecurity; predicting the potential impact of climate change on plant pest and disease distributions.

I work closely with Scotland's Centre of Expertise for Plant Health to ensure that my research has relevance for horticulture, forestry, agriculture, and the natural environment in Scotland.

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