Scotland has an outstanding diversity of cryptogamic plants and fungi, and has the best remaining European examples of globally rare temperate rainforest, characterised by lichen and bryophyte epiphytes. However, taxonomic tools and guides are needed as many of these species are difficult to tell apart and our understanding of the diversity of the Scottish cryptogamic flora remains incomplete.
- We provided taxonomic aids for the identification of 2,939 Scottish species, including the description of 6 new species for Scotland and the discovery of
new populations for 3 species previously thought extinct. - In collaboration with Scottish Natural Heritage we established a long-term monitoring programme of specialist bryophyte species that can only survive
on Scotland’s highest mountains where snow persists well into the summer. Their sensitivity makes them highly effective indicators of climate change in our
montane flora. - We were lead authors and/or taxonomic authorities for the 2nd edition of The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland, and for Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. We support and ensure accuracy in the wider recording of Scottish and UK biodiversity through quality control on checklists, taxon dictionaries and synonym lists.