- Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (“RBGE”) is a charity and Non Departmental Public Body. In all cases, partnerships and donations will be considered in line with our statutory obligations and charitable aims with particular reference to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) guidance, and The Code of Fundraising Practice.
- RBGE will actively seek partnerships with external organisations with shared values to achieve shared objectives. However, RBGE always maintains its independence and will end partnerships where RBGE is brought into disrepute or is at risk of being brought into disrepute.
- RBGE will carry out due diligence on all new prospective donations/sponsorships/partnerships of £5,000 and above or where it has legitimate concerns over the source of the donation. Initial screening will be conducted using publicly available resources, including news searches, registry checks, Scottish Government guidance and sanctions databases.
- In some circumstances, due diligence will be carried out by third party consultants on our behalf. Where personal data will be processed, a written contract will be put in place between RBGE and the service provider to ensure data protection compliance.
- Screening for PEP may be undertaken (politically exposed persons - someone who had been appointed by a community institution, an international body or a state to a high-profile position within the last 12 months).
- Appropriate partnerships and revenue will be accepted for any projects that support the Garden’s priorities. All potential partners will be examined for suitability.
- Any partnerships or donations that cause concern will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Director of Development, Executive Committee, and the Board of Trustees as appropriate before agreements are put in place.
- Partnerships with external organisations do not express or imply RBGE’s endorsement of the external organisation or its policies.
- All data will be processed in line with UK data protection legislation – see privacy notice.
Acceptance of Funds
- In exceptional circumstances, it may not be in the best interests of RBGE, or the donor, to accept a donation. In these circumstances, a donation may be delayed, refused or returned when:
- The donation is made anonymously, or through an intermediary who is not prepared to identify the donor to anyone at RBGE;
- The brand or profile of the donor/sponsor is deemed to be inconsistent with the values or brand of RBGE;
- Where RBGE has reason to believe that the donor may be experiencing vulnerable circumstances and accepting the donation would be ethically wrong and/or harmful to the donor.
- The donor has acted, or is believed to have acted, illegally in the acquisition of funds, for example when funds are tainted through being the proceeds of criminal conduct; or,
- When acceptance of the funds would, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, significantly damage the effective operation of RBGE in delivering its mission, whether because such acceptance would:
- Harm RBGE’s relationship with other benefactors, partners, members/visitors, staff or stakeholders;
- Create unacceptable conflicts of interest that contravene the mission and purpose of RBGE (risk indicators include, but are not limited to, participation in environmental degradation and biodiversity destruction, such as palm oil exploitation or mining; significant connections to the tobacco industry; the violation of human rights; evidence that a company’s wider ownership structure includes activities and behaviours that do not align with RBGE’s values;
- Materially damage the reputation of RBGE; or,
- Adversely affect the ability of RBGE to fulfil its mission in any other way than is mentioned above.
2. With regards to 2.1.5, such detrimental or anticipated detriment will be set against the benefit of having the funds from the donor, which enable RBGE to pursue its purposes.
3. With regards to the risk areas indicators outlined in 2.1.5, RBGE will review prospective donor’s efforts to rectify or make amendments for past behaviours or activities which do not align with RBGE’s values.
Last updated November 2024