Dr Christopher Ellis
Dr Christopher Ellis, Head of Cryptogamic Plants and Fungi Section
I am an ecologist. I use my research to understand how landscape and habitat management can offset the impacts of global change and create resilience for biodiversity.
I have a strong regional focus on Scotland's temperate rainforest, and use lichens in my studies to understand how we can create resilience to climate change at microhabitat scales. My research extends to other ecosystems including mountain and coastal habitats, and involves the role of lichens as excellent bioindicators for monitoring environmental health.
I co-ordinate RBGE's Scottish biodiversity science, including activities contributing to the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme. I have a broad interest in how science can be used to inform policy and conservation practice.
Contact: Christopher Ellis
Further information
Peer-reviewed papers
- Borge, M & Ellis, C.J. (2024) Interactions of moisture and light drive lichen growth and the response to climate change scenarios: experimental evidence for Lobaria pulmonaria. Annals of Botany, 134: 43-57
- Deshpande, A.G., Jones, M.R., van Dijk, N., Mullinger, N.J., Harvey, D., Nicoll, R., Toteva, G., Weerakoon, G., Nissanka, S., Weerakoon, B., Grenier, M., Iwanicka, A., Duarte, F, Stephens, A., Ellis, C.J., Vieno, M., Drewer, J., Wolseley, P.A., Nanayakkara, S., Prabhashwara, T., Bealey, W.J., Nemitz, E. & Sutton, M.A. (2024) Estimation of ammonia deposition to forest ecosystems in Scotland and Sri Lanka using wind-controlled NH3 enhancement experiments. Atmospheric Environment, 320: 120325
- Chinnery, E.V. & Ellis, C.J. (2023) Growth-dependent acclimation constrains climatic response for the lichen epiphyte Lobaria pulmonaria. The Lichenologist, 55: 401-408
- Crittenden, P., Ellis, C.J., Smith, R., Wanek, W. & Thornton, B. (2023) Loss of nitrogen fixing capacity in a montane lichen is linked to increased nitrogen deposition. Journal of Ecology, 111: 280–299
- Delves, J., Lewis, J.E.J., Ali, N., Asad, S.A., Chatterjee, S., Crittenden, P.D., Jones, M., Kiran, A., Pandey, B.P., Reay, D., Sharma, S., Tshering, D., Weerakoon, G., van Dijk, N., Sutton, M.A., Wolseley, P.A. & Ellis, C.J. (2023) Lichens as spatially transferable bioindicators for monitoring nitrogen pollution. Environmental Pollution, 328: 121575
- Porada, P., Bader, M.Y., Berdugo, M.B., Colesie, C., Ellis, C.J., Giordani, P., Herzschuh, U., Ma, Y., Launiainen, S., Nascimbene, J., Petersen, I., Quílez, J.R., Rodríguez-Caballero, E., Rousk, K., Sancho, L.G., Scheidegger, C., Seitz, S., Van Stan II, J.T., Veste, M., Weber, B. & Weston, D.J. (2023) A research agenda for nonvascular photoautotrophs under climate change. New Phytologist, 237: 1495–1504
- Ellis, C.J.(2022) A hypervolume approach to niche specialism, tested for the old-growth indicator status of calicioids. The Lichenologist, 54: 379-387
- Ellis, C.J., Steadman, C.E., Vieno, M., Chatterjee, S., Jones, M.R., Negi, S., Pandey, B.P., Rai, H., Tshering, D., Weerakoon, G., Wolseley, P., Reay, D., Sharma, S. & Sutton, M. (2022) Estimating nitrogen risk to Himalayan forests using thresholds for lichen bioindicators. Biological Conservation, 265: 109401
- Hofmeistera, J., Vondrák, J., Ellis, C., Coppins, B., Sanderson, N., Malíček, J., Palice, Z., Acton, A., Svoboda, S. & Gloora, R. (2022) High and balanced contribution of regional biodiversity hot-spots to epiphytic and epixylic lichen species diversity in Great Britain. Biological Conservation, 266: 109443
- Mitchell, R., Bellamy, P., Broome, A., Ellis, C., Hewison, R., Iason, G., Littlewood, N., Newey, S., Pozsgai, G., Ray, D., Stockan, J., Stokes, V. & Taylor, A. (2022) Cumulative impact assessments of plant diseases reveal lack of functional redundancy: multiple host species loss disproportionately reduces associated biodiversity. Journal of Ecology, 110: 221-231
- Phinney, N.H. Ellis, C.J. & Asplund, J. (2021) Trait-based response of lichens to large-scale patterns of climate and forest availability in Norway. Journal of Biogeography, 49: 286-298
- Ellis, C.J., Asplund, J., Benesperi, R., Branquinho, C., Di Nuzzo, L., Hurtado, P., Martínez, I., Matos, P., Nascimbene, J., Pinho, P., Prieto, M., Rocha, B., Rodríguez-Arribas, C., Thüs, H. & Giordani, P. (2021) Functional traits in lichen ecology: a review. Microorganisms, 9: 766
- Ellis, C.J. & Eaton, S. (2021) Climate change refugia: landscape, stand and tree-scale microclimates in epiphyte community composition. The Lichenologist, 53: 135-148
- Ellis, C.J. & Eaton, S. (2021) Microclimates hold the key to spatial forest planning under climate change: cyanolichens in temperate rainforest. Global Change Biology, 27: 1915-1926
- Brosnan, V. & Ellis, C.J. (2020) Epiphyte response to woodland habitat condition assessed using community indicators: A simplified method for Scotland’s temperate rain forest. Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 77: 519-541
- Ellis, C.J. (2020) Microclimatic refugia in riparian woodland: a climate change adaptation strategy. Forest Ecology and Management, 462: 118006
- Sutton, M.A., van Dijk, N., Levy, P.E., Jones, M.R., Leith, I.D., Sheppard, L.J., Leeson, S., Sim Tang, Y., Stephens, A., Braban, C.F., Dragosits, U., Howard, C.M., Vieno, M., Fowler, D., Corbett, P., Naikoo, M.I., Munzi, S., Ellis, C.J., Chatterjee, S., Steadman, C.E., Móring, A. & Wolseley, P. (2020) Alkaline air: changing perspectives on nitrogen and air pollution in an ammonia-rich world. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 378: 20190315
- Taylor, J.E., Ellis, C., Ennos, R. & Hollingsworth, P. (2020) Tissue age and tree age effects on endophyte species abundance of Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in an ancient semi-natural woodland in Scotland. Sydowia, 71: 35-46
- Ellis, C.J. (2019) Climate change, bioclimatic models and the risk to lichen diversity. Diversity, 11: 54
- Ellis, C.J. (2019) Interactions of climate and solar irradiance can reverse the bioclimatic response of poikilohydric species: an experimental test for Flavoparmelia caperata. The Bryologist, 122: 98-110
- Ellis, C.J. & Coppins, B.J. (2019) Five decades of decline for old-growth indicator lichens in Scotland. Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 76: 319-331
- Mitchell. R.J, Bellamy, P.E., Ellis, C.J., Hewison, R.L., Hodgetts, N.G., Iason, G.R., Littlewood, N.A., Newey, S., Stockan, J.A. & Taylor, A.F.S. (2019) Collapsing foundations: the ecology of the British oak, implications of its decline and mitigation options. Biological Conservation, 233: 316-327
- Vondrák, J., Urbanavichus, G., Palice, Z., Malíček, J., Urbanavichene, I., Kubásek, J. & Ellis, C. (2019) The epiphytic lichen biota of Caucasian virgin forests: an exceptional new baseline for European conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28: 3257–3276
- Wan, S. & Ellis, C.J. (2019) Are lichen growth form categories supported by continuous functional traits: water holding capacity and specific thallus mass? Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 77: 65-76
- Belinchón, R., Ellis, C.J. & Yahr, R (2018) Climate-woodland effects on population genetics for two congeneric lichens with contrasting reproductive strategies. FEMS Microbial Ecology, 94: fiy159
- Brooker, R.W., Brewer, M.J., Britton, A.J., Eastwood, A., Ellis, C., Gimona, A., Poggio, L. & Genney, D.R. (2018) Tiny niches and translocations: the challenge of identifying suitable recipient sites for small and immobile species. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55: 621–630
- Eaton, S., Ellis, C., Genney, D., Thompson, R., Yahr, R. & Hayden, D.T. (2018) Adding small species to the big picture: species distribution modelling in an age of landscape scale conservation. Biological Conservation, 217: 251-258
- Eaton, S., Zúñiga, C., Czyzewski, J., Ellis, C., Genney, D.R., Haydon, D., Mirzai, N. & Yahr, R. (2018) A method for the direct detection of airborne dispersal in lichens. Molecular Ecology Resources, 18: 240-250
- Ellis, C.J. (2018) A mechanistic model of climate change risk: growth rates and microhabitat specificity for conservation priority woodland epiphytes. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 32: 38-48
- Ellis, C.J. & Eaton, S. (2018) The biogeography of climate change risk for Scotland’s woodland biodiversity: epiphytes. Scottish Geographical Journal, 134: 257-267
- Ellis, C.J., Yahr, R. & Coppins, B.J. (2018) Quantifying the Anthropocene loss of bioindicators (lichen epiphytes) for an early industrial region (England): an equitable baseline for biodiversity restoration. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27: 2363–2377
- Williams, L. & Ellis, C.J. (2018) Ecological constraints to 'old-growth' lichen indicators: niche specialisation or dispersal limitation? Fungal Ecology, 34: 20-27
- Ellis, C.J. (2017) Lichen epiphyte response to non-analogue seasonal climates: a critique of bioclimatic models. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 25: 45-58
- Ellis, C.J. (2017) When is translocation required for the population recovery of old-growth epiphytes in a reforested landscape? Restoration Ecology, 25: 922-932
- Ellis, C.J. & Coppins, B.J. (2017) Taxonomic survey compared to ecological sampling: are the results consistent for woodland epiphytes? The Lichenologist, 49: 141-155
- Mitchell, R.J., Broome, A., Beaton, J.K., Bellamy, P.E., Ellis, C.J., Hester A.J., Hodgetts N.G., Iason, G.R., Littlewood, N.A., Newey S., Pozsgai, G., Ramsay, S., Riach, D., Stockan, J.A., Taylor, A.F.S. & Woodward, S. (2017) Challenges in assessing the ecological impacts of tree diseases and mitigation measures: the case of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Fraxinus excelsior. Baltic Forestry, 23: 116-140
- Belinchon, R., Coppins, B.J., Yahr, R. & Ellis, C.J. (2016) The diversity and community dynamics of hazelwood lichens and bryophytes along a major gradient of human impact. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 9: 359-370
- Ellis, C.J.. (2016) Oceanic and temperate rainforest climates and their epiphyte indicators in Britain. Ecological Indicators, 70: 125-133
- Ellis, C.J. & Eaton (2016) Future non-analogue climates for Scotland's temperate rainforest. Scottish Geographical Journal, 132: 257-268
- Mitchell, R.J. Pakeman, R.J., Broome, A., Beaton, J.K., Bellamy, P.E., Brooker, R.W., Ellis, C.J., Hester, A.J., Hodgetts, N.G. , Iason, G.R., Littlewood, N.A., Pozsgai, G., Ramsay, S., Riach, D. Stockan, J.A., Taylor, A.F.S., & Woodward, S. (2016) How to replicate the functions and biodiversity of a threatened tree species? The case of Fraxinus excelsior in Britain. Ecosystems, 19: 573-586
- Svensson, M., Caruso, A., Yahr, R., Ellis, C., Thor, G. & Snäll, T. (2016) Combined observational and experimental data provide limited support for facilitation in lichens. Oikos, 125: 278-283
- Belinchon, R., Yahr, R. & Ellis, C.J. (2015) Interactions among species with contrasting dispersal modes explain distributions for epiphytic lichens. Ecography, 38: 762-768
- Ellis, C.J. (2015) Ancient woodland indicators signal the climate change risk for dispersal-limited species. Ecological Indicators, 53: 106-114
- Whittet, R.R. Hope, J. & Ellis, C.J. (2015) Open structured woodland and the ecological interpretation of Scotland's Ancient Woodland Inventory. Scottish Geographical Journal, 131: 67-77
- Belinchon, R., Ellis, C.J. & Yahr, R. (2014) Microsatellite loci in two epiphytic lichens with contrasting dispersal modes: Nephroma laevigatum and N. parile (Nephromataceae). Applications in Plant Science, 11: 1400080
- Blasy, V. & Ellis, C.J. (2014) Life on deadwood: cut stumps as a model system for the succession and management of lichen diversity. The Lichenologist, 46: 455-469
- Davies, C. Ellis, C.J., Iason, G.R. & Ennos, R. A. (2014) Genotypic variation in a foundation tree (Populus tremula L.) explains community structure of associated epiphytes. Biology Letters, 10: 20140190
- Eaton, S. & Ellis, C.J. (2014) High demographic rates of the model epiphyte Lobaria pulmonaria in an oceanic hazelwood (Western Scotland). Fungal Ecology, 11: 60-70. See Erratum: Fungal Ecology, 15: 92
- Ellis, C.J., Eaton, S., Theodoropoulos, M., Coppins, B.J., Seaward, M.R.D. & Simkin, S. (2014) Response of epiphytic lichens to 21st Century climate change and tree disease scenarios. Biological Conservation, 180: 153-164
- Ellis, C.J., Yahr, R., Belinchón, R. & Coppins, B.J. (2014) Archaeobotanical evidence for climate as a driver of ecological community change across the anthropocene boundary. Global Change Biology, 20: 2211-2220
- Iacob, O., Rowan, J.S., Brown, I. & Ellis, C.J. (2014) Evaluating wider benefits of natural flood management strategies: an ecosystem-based adaptation perspective. Hydrology Research, 45: 774-787
- Mitchell, R.J., Beaton, J.K., Bellamy, P.E., Broome, A., Chetcuti, J., Eaton, S., Ellis, C.J., Gimona, A., Harmer, R., Hester, A.J., Hewison, R.L., Hodgetts, N.G., Iason, G.R., Kerr, G., Littlewood, N.A., Newey, S., Potts, J.M., Pozsgai, G., Ray, D., Sim, D.A., Stockan, J.A., Taylor, A.F.S. & Woodward, S. (2014) Ash dieback in the UK: A review of the ecological and conservation implications and potential management options. Biological Conservation, 175: 95-109
- Yahr, R., Coppins, B.J., & Ellis, C.J. (2014) Quantifying the loss of lichen epiphyte diversity from the pre-industrial Exmoor landscape (south-west England). The Lichenologist, 46: 711-721
- Ellis, C.J. (2013) A risk-based model of climate change threat: hazard, exposure and vulnerability in the ecology of lichen epiphytes. Botany, 91: 1-11
- Ellis, C.J., Coppins, B.J., Eaton, S. & Simkin, J. (2013) Implications of ash dieback for associated epiphytes. Conservation Biology, 27: 899-901
- Ellis, C.J. & Ellis, S.C. (2013) Signatures of autogenic epiphyte succession for an aspen chronosequence. Journal of Vegetation Science, 24: 688-701
- Whittet, R.R. & Ellis, C.J. (2013) Critical tests for lichen indicators of woodland ecological continuity. Biological Conservation, 168: 19-23
- Braidwood, D. & Ellis, C.J. (2012) Bioclimatic equilibrium for lichen distributions on disjunct continental landmasses. Botany, 90: 1316-1325
- Eaton, S. & Ellis, C.J. (2012) Local experimental growth rates respond to macroclimate for the lichen epiphyte Lobaria pulmonaria. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 5: 365-372
- Ellis, C.J. (2012) Lichen epiphyte diversity: a species, community and trait-based review. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 14: 131-152
- Ellis, C.J. (2011) Predicting the biodiversity response to climate change: challenges and advances. Systematics and Biodiversity, 9: 307-317
- Ellis, C.J. & Yahr, R. (2011) An interdisciplinary review of climate change trends and uncertainties: lichen biodiversity, arctic-alpine ecosystems and habitat loss. In: Hodkinson, T.R., Jones, M.B., Waldren, S. & Parnell, J.A.N. (eds) Climate Change, Ecology and Systematics: 457-489. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
- Ellis, C.J., Yahr, R. & Coppins, B.J. (2011) Archaeobotanical evidence for a massive loss of epiphyte species richness during industrialisation in southern England. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 278: 3482-3489
- Kelly, L.J., Hollingsworth, P.M., Coppins, B.J., Ellis, C.J., Harrold, P., Tosh, J. & Yahr, R. (2011) DNA barcoding of lichenized fungi demonstrates high identification success in a floristic context. New Phytologist, 191: 288-300
- Lisewski, V. & Ellis, C.J. (2011) Lichen epiphyte abundance controlled by the nested effect of woodland composition along macroclimatic gradients. Fungal Ecology, 4: 241-249
- Yahr, R., Coppins, B.J. & Ellis, C.J. (2011) Preserved epiphytes as an archaeological resource in post-medieval vernacular buildings. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38: 1191-1198
- Cody, S, Richardson, J.E., Valenti, R., Ellis, C.J. & Pennington, T.R. (2010) The great American biotic interchange revisited. Ecography, 33: 1-7
- Crabtree, D. & Ellis, C.J. (2010) Species interaction and response to wind-speed alter the impact of projected temperature change in a montane ecosystem. Journal of Vegetation Science, 21: 744-760
- Ellis, C.J. & Coppins, B.J. (2010) Integrating multiple landscape-scale drivers in the lichen epiphyte response: climatic setting, pollution regime and woodland spatial-temporal structure. Diversity and Distributions, 16: 43-52. See Corrigendum: Diversity & Distributions, 16: 312
- Ellis, C.J. & Coppins, B.J. (2010) Partitioning the role of climate, pollution and old-growth woodland in the composition and richness of lichen epiphytes in Scotland. The Lichenologist, 42: 601-614
- Ellis, C.J. & Ellis, S.C. (2010) Quantifying the role of deterministic assembly and stochastic drift in a natural community of arctic mosses. Oikos, 119: 465-474
- Lewis, J.E.J. & Ellis, C.J. (2010) Taxon- compared to trait-based analysis of epiphytes, and the role of tree species and tree age in community composition. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 3: 203-210
- Lisewski, V. & Ellis, C.J. (2010) Epiphyte sensitivity to a cross-scale interaction between habitat quality and macroclimate – an opportunity for range-edge conservation. Biodiversity & Conservation, 19: 3935-3949
- Ellis, C.J. & Coppins, B.J. (2009) Quantifying the role of multiple landscape-scale drivers controlling epiphyte composition and richness in a conservation priority habitat (juniper scrub). Biological Conservation, 142: 1291-1301
- Ellis, C.J., Yahr, R. & Coppins, B.J. (2009) Local extent of old-growth woodland modifies epiphyte response to climate change. Journal of Biogeography, 36: 302-313
- Binder, M.B. & Ellis, C.J. (2008) Conservation of the rare British lichen Vulpicida pinastri: climate change, habitat loss and strategies for mitigation. The Lichenologist, 40: 63-79
- Ellis, C.J. (2008) Interactions between hydrology, burning and contrasting plant groups during the millennial-scale development of sub-montane wet heath. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19: 693-704
- Ellis, C.J., Rochefort, L., Gauthier, G. & Pienitz, R. (2008) Palaeoecological evidence for transitions between contrasting land-forms in a polygon-patterned High Arctic wetland. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 40: 624-637
- Ellis, C.J. & Coppins, B.J. (2007) 19th Century woodland structure controls stand-scale epiphyte diversity in present-day Scotland. Diversity & Distributions, 13: 84-91
- Ellis, C.J. & Coppins, B.J. (2007) Changing climate and historic-woodland structure interact to control species diversity of the 'Lobarion' epiphyte community in Scotland. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18: 725-734
- Ellis, C.J. & Coppins, B.J. (2007) Reproductive strategy and the compositional dynamics of crustose lichen communities on aspen (Populus tremula L.) in Scotland. The Lichenologist, 39: 377-391
- Ellis, C.J., Coppins, B.J., Dawson, T.P. & Seaward, M.R.D. (2007) Response of British lichens to climate change scenarios: trends and uncertainties in the projected impact for contrasting biogeographic groups. Biological Conservation, 140: 217-235
- Ellis, C.J., Coppins, B.J. & Dawson, T.P. (2007) Predicted response of the lichen epiphyte Lecanora populicola to climate change scenarios in a clean-air region of northern Britain. Biological Conservation, 135: 396-404
- Ellis, C.J. & Coppins, B.J. (2006) Contrasting functional traits maintain lichen epiphyte diversity in response to climate and autogenic succession. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 1643-1656
- Ellis, C.J. & Rochefort, L. (2006) Long-term sensitivity of a High Arctic wetland to Holocene climate change. Journal of Ecology, 94: 441-454
- Ellis, C.J., Crittenden, P.D. & Scrimgeour, C. & Ashcroft, C.J. (2005) Translocation of 15N indicates nitrogen recycling in the mat-forming lichen Cladonia portentosa. New Phytologist, 168: 423-434
- Ellis, C.J. & Rochefort, L. (2004) Century-scale development of High Arctic polygon-patterned tundra wetland, Bylot Island (73 N). Ecology, 85: 963-978
- Ellis, C.J., Crittenden, P.D. & Scrimgeour, C. (2004) Soil as a potential source of nitrogen for mat-forming lichens. Canadian Journal of Botany, 82: 145-149
- Ellis, C.J., Crittenden, P.D. & Scrimgeour, C. & Ashcroft, C.J. (2003) The natural abundance of 15N in mat-forming lichens. Oecologia, 136: 115-123
- Ellis, C.J. & Tallis, J.H. (2003) The ecology of Racomitrium lanuginosum in British blanket mire - evidence from the palaeoecological record. Journal of Bryology, 25: 7-15
- Ellis, C.J. & Tallis, J.H. (2001) Climatic control of peat erosion in a North Wales blanket mire. New Phytologist, 152: 313-324
- Ellis, C.J. & Tallis, J.H. (2000) Climatic control of blanket mire development at Kentra Moss, north-west Scotland. Journal of Ecology, 88: 869-889
- Mitchell. R.J, Bellamy, P.E., Ellis, C.J., Hewison, R.L., Hodgetts, N.G., Iason, G.R., Littlewood, N.A., Newey, S., Stockan, J.A. & Taylor, A.F.S. (2019). OakEcol: a database of oak-associated biodiversity. Data in Brief, 25: 104120
- Ellis, C.J. & Eaton, S. (2018) Scotland's epiphyte diversity, climate change risk. Natural Asset Register, Data Portal: http://nar.hutton.ac.uk/dataset/scotland-s-epiphyte-diversity-climate-change-risk
Research Notes and Bulletins
- Bidartondo, M.I., Ellis, C., Kauserud, H., Kennedy, P.G., Lilleskov, E.A., Suz, L.M. & Andrew, C. (2018) Climate change: fungal responses and effects. In: Willis, K.J. (ed.) State of the World’s Fungi: 62-69. Kew Botanic Gardens, London
- Ellis, C.J. (2016) Lichens and climate change: the problem of scale and non-analogue climates. IAL 8 Abstract. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 119: 104-105
- Ellis, C.J., Eaton, S., Theodoropoulos, M., Coppins, B.J., Seaward, M.R.D. & Simkin, J. (2015) Lichen Epiphyte Scenarios. A Toolkit of Climate and Woodland Change for the 21st Century. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. ISBN: 978-1-91087-00-5
- Ellis, C.J., Eaton, S., Theodoropoulos, M. & Elliott, K. (2015) Epiphyte Communities and Indicator Species. An Ecological Guide for Scotland's Woodlands. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. ISBN: 978-1-910877-01-2
- Davies, C., Ellis, C.J., Ennos, R. & Iason, G. (2014) Tree genotype determines associated biodiversity: epiphytes of aspen. In: Iason, G. (ed.) Biodiversity and Woodland Ecosystems: A Summary of Research Outputs Supported or Facilitated by the Environmental Change Programme of the Scottish Government's Portfolio of Strategic Research (2011-2016): 14-15. James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen
- Ellis, C.J. (2014) Climate change, tree disease and the future of woodland diversity. In: Iason, G. (ed.) Biodiversity and Woodland Ecosystems: A Summary of Research Outputs Supported or Facilitated by the Environmental Change Programme of the Scottish Government's Portfolio of Strategic Research (2011-2016): 8-9. James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen
- Ellis, C.J. (2014) Lichen epiphyte scenarios - a toolkit for managing diversity and environmental change. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 114: 53-61
- Ellis, C.J., Eaton, S. & Theodoropoulos, M. (2014) Managing epiphytic diversity in British woodlands. A scenarios toolkit. The Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 108: 262-266
- Mitchell, RJ., Broome, A., Woodward, S., Bellamy, P., Ellis, C.J. & Hodgetts, N. (2014) The potential ecological impact of ash dieback in the UK. In: Iason, G. (ed.) Biodiversity and Woodland Ecosystems: A Summary of Research Outputs Supported or Facilitated by the Environmental Change Programme of the Scottish Government's Portfolio of Strategic Research (2011-2016): 6-7. James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen
- Ellis, C.J. (2012) Lichens link European biodiversity science to climate change policy. The Parliament Magazine, 359: 22
- Ellis, C.J. (2012) Scotland's rainforest epiphytes receive international attention. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 111: 61-64
- Iacob, O., Rowan, J., Brown, I. & Ellis, C.J. (2012) Natural flood management as a climate change adaptation option assessed using an ecosystem services approach. Proceedings of the British Hydrological Society Eleventh National Symposium - Hydrology for a Changing World. Dundee University, Dundee
- Ellis, C.J. (2011) Conserving woodland biodiversity in a changing world - lichen epiphytes. In: Iason, G.R. (ed) Woodland Biodiversity: A Summary of Research Outputs from the Scottish Government's 'Environment-Land Use and Rural Stewardship' Research Programme: 6-7. Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen
- Harrold, P., Walkinshaw, S., Coppins, B.J. & Ellis, C.J. (2010) Species discrimination and the distribution of Placopsis gelida and P. lambii in Great Britain. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 107: 44-50
- Ellis, C.J. (2009) Composition and diversity of lichen epiphytes on aspen. In: Parrott, J. & MacKenzie, N. (eds) Aspen in Scotland - Biodiversity and Management: 7-11. Highland Aspen Group, Kingussie
- Harrold, P., Grundy, K., Coppins, B.J. & Ellis, C.J. (2009) Distribution of chemotypes of Cetrelia olivetorum in England, Scotland and Wales. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 105: 3-9
- Yahr, R. & Ellis, C.J. (2009) Lichens in the attic. The Building Conservation Directory, 2009: 13-14
- Lisewski, V. & Ellis, C.J. (2009) Evidence that browsing animals can have a significant effect on epiphytic populations of Sphaerophorus globosus in Scotland. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 104: 6-9
- Yahr, R. & Ellis, C.J. (2009) Historic lichen communities in Wiltshire. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 105: 10-17
- Ellis, C.J. & Binder, M.B. (2007) Inferred shift in the British distribution of Vulpicida pinastri using herbarium and mapping data. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 101: 4-10
- Ellis, C.J. (2008) A role for lichens in botanic gardens? Sibbaldia, 6: 155-162
- Ellis, C.J. (2008) The only constant is change: climate as an emerging feature in a lichenologist's worries. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 102: 60-66
- Ellis, C.J. (2008) Using species records in conservation research. Recorder News (BRISC), 70: 10-11
- Ellis, C.J. & Gibby, M. (2007) Research on biodiversity and climate change at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. BGJournal, Journal of the Botanic Gardens Conservation International, 4: 22-25
- Ellis, C.J. (2006) Two-in-one: the remarkable lives of lichens. Botanics, 24: 8-9
- Cosgrove, P., Amphlett, A., Emmett, E., Elliott, A., Ellis, C., Prescott, T & Watson Featherstone, A. (2006) Aspen: Britain's missing Boreal forest link. British Wildlife, 17: 107-115
- Ellis, C.J. (2005) The changing tundra - palaeoecology in the High Arctic. Meridian, Fall/Winter 2005: 13-20
- Ellis, C.J. (2004) The lichen ecology of aspen woods - a preliminary analysis. British Lichen Society Bulletin, 94: 23-27
Commissioned Reports
- Brooker, R.W., Brewer, M., Britton, A.J., Eastwood, A., Ellis, C., Gimona, A., Poggio, L., Genney, D.R. (2016) Feasibility Study: Translocation of Species for the Establishment or Protection of Populations in Northerly and/or Montane Environments. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 913
- Ellis, C.J., Theodoropoulos, M., Eaton, S. & Mulcahy, H. (2016) Woodland Composition, Climate Change and the Long-Term Resilience of Lichen Epiphytes at Glasdrum NNR. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 895
- Ellis, C.J. (2014) Generalist Species More Able to Cope than Specialist Species - Snow-Bed Species. ClimateXChange Report, Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme
- Ellis, C.J. (2014) Species Unable to Track Changing Climate Space - Ancient Woodland Lichens. ClimateXChange Report, Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme
- Ellis, C.J., Eaton, S. & Theodoropoulos, M. (2014) Adaptive Forest Management and Climate Change - A New Toolkit for Scotland's Epiphytes. ClimateXChange Report, Scottish Government
- Moffat, A.J., Nicoll, B., Beauchamp, K., Ellis, C., Martin, S. & Moss, A. (2014) Scottish Native Woodland Adaptation - The Potential Use of a Flexible Adaptation Pathways (FAP) Framework. ClimateXChange Report, Scottish Government
- Mitchell, R.J., Broome, A., Harmer, R., Beaton, J.K., Bellamy, P.E., Brooker, R.W., Duncan, R., Ellis, C.J., Hester, A.J., Hodgetts, N.G., Iason, G.R., Littlewood, N.A., Mackinnon, M. Pakeman, R., Pozsgai, G., Ramsey, S., Riach, D., Stockan, J.A., Taylor, A.F.S. & Woodward, S. (2014) Assessing and Addressing the Impacts of Ash Dieback on UK Woodlands and Trees of Conservation Importance (Phase 2). Natural England Commissioned Report No. 151
- Mitchell, R.J., Bailey, S., Beaton, J.K., Bellamy, P.E., Brooker, R.W, Broome, A., Chetcuti, J., Eaton, S., Ellis, C.J., Farren, J., Gimona, A., Goldberg, E., Hall, J., Harmer, R., Hester, A.J., Hewison, R.L., Hodgetts, N.G, Hooper, R.J., Howe, L., Iason, G.R., Kerr, G., Littlewood, N.A., Morgan, V., Newey, S., Potts, J.M, Pozsgai, G., Ray, D., Sim, D.A., Stockan, J.A., Taylor, A.F.S, Taylor, P. & Woodward, S. (2014) The Potential Ecological Impact of Ash Dieback in the UK. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Commissioned Report No. 483
- Brooker, R., Aalders, I., Ballingall, K., Begg, G., Nick, A., Birch, E., Elliott, G., Ellis, C., Freitag, T., Hawes, C., Holland, J., Holmes, B., Hough, R., Karley, A., McCracken, D., Mitchell, R., Stockan, J., Zadoks, R., Albon, S., Hester, A. & Pakeman, R. (2013) Biotic and Biophysical Underpinning of Ecosystem Services in the Scottish Context: A Review. RESAS Work Programme Theme 1 Report, Scottish Government
- Brooker, R., Ahrends, A., Bailey, D., Brewer, M., Brown, I., Castellazzi, M., Gimona, A., Ellis, C., Harding, A., Harrison, P., Hopkins, C., Moss, A., Muir, M. & Poggio, L. (2013) Climate Change Risk-Based Assessment for Notifiable Features in Scotland. ClimateXChange Report, Scottish Natural Heritage
- Ellis, C.J. (2013) Implications of Climate Change for UK Bryophytes and Lichens. Living With Environmental Change - Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Impacts Report Card 2012-2013
- Ellis, C.J. (2011) Lichens. In: Norris, K. (ed.) Biodiversity in the context of ecosystem services. UK National Ecosystem Assessment (Chapter 4): 82-83. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge
- Ellis, C.J. & Hope, J.C.E. (2011) Lichen Epiphyte Dynamics in Scottish Atlantic Oakwoods: The Effect of Tree Age and Historical Continuity. SNH Commissioned Report No. 426
- Yahr, R. & Ellis, C.J. (2010) Taxonomy as a Science for Scotland's Future. Knowledge Scotland Research Briefing, Scottish Goverment
- Crabtree, D. & Ellis, C.J. (2009) Monitoring Ground-Layer Lichen Communities in the Cairngorms: A Base-Line Study to Assess Climate Change Impacts. Cairngorms National Park Authority, Granton-on-Spey
- Matthews, R., Newton, A., Ellis, C., Moran, D., Glasbey, C. & Skuce, P. (2008) Integrating Climate Change Research Across the Main Research Providers in Scotland. Discussion Paper, RERAD Work Programmes Cross-cutting Themes. Scottish Government
Editorials & Opinion
- Ellis, C.J. & Myllys, L. (2020) Editorial. The Lichenologist, 52: 1
- Aronson, J. & The ERA of Botanic Gardens (2014) The Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens: a new initiative takes root. Restoration Ecology, 22: 713-715
- Fryday, A., Kantvilas, G., Ellis, C., Crittenden, P. (2014) Brian Coppins - A liber amicorum. The Lichenologist, 46: 245-246
- Ellis, C.J., Coppins, B.J. & Hollingsworth, P.M. (2012) Lichens under threat from ash dieback. Nature, 491: 672
- Crittenden, P., Ellis, C.J., Vogt, K. & Boddy, L. (2012) Editorial: fungi and global change. Special Issue, Fungal Ecology, 5: 1-2
Post-doctoral supervision
- Lumbani Mwafulirwa (2022-2024) GCRF South Asia Nitrogen Hub - Lichen Bioindicator Response to Reactive Nitrogen. UKRI Postdoctoral Researcher
- Ruth Monfries (2014-2019) - Climate Change Adaptation in Scotland - Policy Perspectives. ClimateXChange PDRF
- Joanne Taylor (2017-2018) - Pathogenic Needle Fungi associated with Sitka Spruce. Sibbald Trust Fellow
- Joanne Taylor (2014-2017) - Promoting Resilience of UK Tree Species to Novel Pests and Pathogens: Ecological and Evolutionary Solutions. BBSRC Postdoctoral Fellow
- Rocio Belinchon (2012-2014) - Ecological Process and Climate Change. Marie Curie Research Fellow
- Suzanne Martin (2011-2014) - Climate Change Adaptation: Baselines and Indicators. ClimateXChange PDRF
- Rocio Belinchon (2010-2011) - Britain's Lost Biodiversity - a Unique Baseline for Environmental Recovery. Leverhulme Research Fellow
- Joe Hope (2009-2010) - Measuring the Diversity of Lichen Epiphytes in an Atlantic Oakwood Chronosequence. SNH Research Fellow
- Rebecca Yahr (2007-2010) - Britain's Lost Biodiversity - a Unique Baseline for Environmental Recovery. Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow
PhD students
- Olivia Gray (2028) Building eDNA Baselines for Terrestrial Biodiversity. University of Edinburgh
- Suman Prakash Pradhan (2028) Lichen Bioindicators for Monitoring Environmental Health in Nepal. University of Edinburgh
- Dylan Stephens (2028) Metabarcoding Toolkits for eDNA Monitoring Terrestrial Biodiversity. University of Edinburgh
- Buddhika Weerakoon (2025) - The Impact of Nitrogen Enhancement on Tropical Lichen Diversity. Peradeniya University
- Amaris Ormond (2025) - Resilience and Acclimation of Lichen Biodiversity in Temperate Rainforest. University of Edinburgh
- Kristine Bogomazova (2018) - Identification of Species Limits: Clarifying the Taxonomy and Ecology of BAP Lichens. University of Aberdeen
- Sally Eaton (2018) - Achieving Landscape-Scale Conservation of Scotland's Rainforest Epiphytes. University of Glasgow
- Oana Iacob (2015) - Natural Flood Management as a Climate Change Adaptation Option in Scotland using an Ecosystem Based Adaptation Approach. University of Dundee
- Emma Goodyer (2013) - Environmental Response of Desmids in Scotland's Blanket Mires. University of the Highlands and Islands
- Chantel Davies (2011) - Lichen Diversity on Scottish Aspen: A Component of the Extended Phenotype. University of Edinburgh
Post-graduate Fellowships
- Caitlyn Johnstone (2022-2023): Lichen Biodiversity and Threats to Scots Pine. UKRI Treescapes
- Jay Delves (2021-2022) Lichen Bioindicators. GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub
- Charlotte Johnson (2019-2020) The Wild Line. Biodiversity Challenge Fund Project Officer
- Charlotte Johnson (2018-2019) Edinburgh’s Shoreline. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Officer
- Michelagh O’Neill (2018) - Policy Mapping and Case Study: Scottish Housing. ClimateXChange Research Contract
- Frances Stoakley (2015-2017) - Making the Invisible, Visible: A Lichen Air Pollution Survey. TCV Natural Talent Traineeship
- Sally Eaton (2011-2015) - Epiphyte Communities and Indicator Species. Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
MSc students
- Eilidh Vandome (2023) - Forest Cover Loss of Rainforest Specialist Species for IUCN Red List Assessments. University of Edinburgh
- Morgan Ashley Miller (2022) Microclimatic Refugia and the Protection of Plant Biodiversity. University of Edinburgh
- Hannah Mason (2020) - Distributional Constraints of the Rare Montane Lichen Alectoria ochroleuca. University of Edinburgh
- Verity Brosnan (2017) - A Rapid Assessment Method for Lichen Community Structure. University of Edinburgh
- Hannah Mulcahy (2014) - Reconstructing Woodland History in Glasdrum National Nature Reserve, Glen Creran. University of Edinburgh
- Laura Stoddart (2012) - Estimating the Realised Ecological Niche for Difficult to Identify Species: A Case Study for the Lichen Genus Lepraria Ach. University of Edinburgh
- Richard Whittet (2012) - Error Rates in the Ancient Woodland Inventory and Methods for the Assessment of Ecological Continuity. University of Edinburgh
- Laura Williams (2011) - Habitat and Dispersal Constraints on the Distribution of Scotland's Oceanic Lichen Epiphytes. University of Edinburgh
- Verena Blasy (2010) - Life on the Deadwood: Patterns of Lichen and Bryophyte Community Structure on Stumps in a Caledonian Pine Forest. University of Edinburgh
- David Braidwood (2010) - Testing the Hypothesis of Climatic Equilibrium: Lichens in Britain and North America. University of Edinburgh
- Sally Eaton (2009) - Population Dynamics of Lobaria pulmonaria in the Atlantic hazelwoods of western Scotland. University of Edinburgh
- Dafydd Crabtree (2008) - Effects of Climate Change on Montane Indicator Lichen Species. University of Edinburgh
- Vivyan Lisewski (2008) - Response of Lichen Species to Environmental Factors Operating at Multiple Spatial Scales. University of Edinburgh
- Jason Lewis (2007) - Functional Rules and Species Traits Related to Epiphyte Community Succession in Mixed Aged Woodlands. University of Edinburgh
- Mark Binder (2006) - Ecological Analysis of the 'Near Threatened' Lichen Epiphyte Vulpicida pinastri (Scop.) Gray in the British Isles. University of Edinburgh
BSc students
- Olivia Gray (2023) - Can Reliable Trait Data be Extracted from Lichen Herbarium Specimens. University of St Andrews
- Emma Chinnery (2022) - Acclimation and Adaption of Lichen Morphology in Response to Environmental Change. University of St Andrews
- Si Wan (2017) - Testing Whether Lichen Morphological Categories Capture Differences in Functional Traits. University of Edinburgh
- Kathryn Elliott (2013) - Causes for Differing Bark Microhabitats and Implications for Biodiversity. University of Edinburgh
- Emma Goodyer (2009) - Response of Lichens with Contrasting Growth-Form to a Standard Wetting-Drying Cycle. University of Edinburgh
- MSc Plant Taxonomy and Biodiversity - Lichenology (University of Edinburgh)
- BSc 2nd Year, Principles of Ecology - The Ecological Niche (University of Edinburgh)
- Ad hoc workshops/excursions in lichenology (e.g. for the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Natural History Society et al.)
- Lichen Epiphyte Resources: including a toolkit with bioclimatic values for the response of epiphyte species (positive or negative) to scenarios of climate and woodland change.
Research grants
- 2024: €671,721 – Co-I (WP lead), EU Horizon Europe – Biodiversity Meets Data (EU-#-101181294)
- 2023: £8090 – Co-I, Highways Agency England – Scoping Study for the Management of Nitrogen Deposition Impacts on Lichens and Bryophytes (# CEH-08642-8262)
- 2023: £6923 – Co-I, UKRI – Aonachadh: Integrating Finance and Biodiversity for a Nature Positive Future (# NE/X016293/1)
- 2022: £13,000 – PI, Daphne Hamilton & Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trusts – Monitoring and Managing the Response of Arctic-Alpine Lichens to Climate Change (# DHCT-SR486)
- 2022: £60,118 - Co-I, UKRI Treescapes – DiversiTree (# NE/X004449/1)
- 2021: £20,620 – PI, Magdalene Sharpe Erskine Trust – Conservation of Threatened Montane Plants in Scotland (# MSET-SR269)
- 2019: £149,792 – PI, Biodiversity Challenge Fund – The Wild Line (# 501229)
- 2019: £256,075 – Co-I (WP lead), UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund – South Asian Nitrogen Hub (# NEC06636-RPO10)
- 2018: £23,750 – PI, ClimateXChange – Enhanced Climate Adaptation Indicators (# IQ4-2018)
- 2018: £48,756 – PI, Green Infrastructure Community Engagement Fund – Edinburgh Shoreline Project (# GICEF-APP-256-02)
- 2017: £154,360 – PI, ClimateXChange – Adaptation Policy Fellowship (# CXC2/2017_19)
- 2017: £93,000 – PI, Heritage Lottery fund – Edinburgh Shoreline Project (# OH-17-03731)
- 2017: £12,591 – PI, The Sibbald Trust – Pathogenic Needle Fungi Associated with Sitka Spruce (2017#14)
- 2016: £39,912 – PI, NERC – Connecting Communities with Urban Coastal Landscapes under Changing Climate (# 2016-092)
- 2016: £55,582 – PI, Scottish Government (RESAS) – Climate Change Adaptation, Baselines and Indicators (# A13647028)
- 2015: £4648 – Co-I, Living with Environmental Change / BBSRC – PuRpOsE, PRotecting Oak Ecosystems, Understanding and Forecasting Causes and Consequences, Management for Future Climates (# BBSRC-2015)
- 2014: £24,000 – Co-I, Botanics Foundation – Identification of Species Limits, Clarifying Taxonomy and Ecology of BAP Lichens (# SR 277)
- 2014: £2548 – Co-I, Joint Nature Conservation Committee – Assessing and Addressing the Impacts of Ash Dieback on UK Woodlands and Trees of Conservation Importance, Phase 2 (# J610247)
- 2014: £201,286 – Co-I (WP lead), Living with Environmental Change – Promoting Resilience of UK Tree Species to Novel Pests and Pathogens: Ecological and Evolutionary Solutions (PROTREE) (# BB/L012243/1)
- 2013: £2687 – Co-I, Joint Nature Conservation Committee – Ash Dieback, Impacts on Species which Depend On, or are Associated with, Ash (Fraxinus excelsior): Lichens (# C12-0229-0630)
- 2013: £51,981 – PI, Scottish Natural Heritage – Achieving Landscape-Scale Conservation of Scotland's Lichen Epiphytes (# RBGE-SNH-2013)
- 2012: €200,372 – PI, European Commission Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship – Ecological Process and Climate Change (EPACS) (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF: 299330)
- 2013: £3000 – PI, Living with Environmental Change / DEFRA – Climate Change Impacts on Terrestrial Biodiversity, Lichens and Bryophytes (# SC - LWEC)
- 2011: £600,970 – PI, Scottish Government (RESAS) – Climate Change Centre of Expertise, Climate Change Adaptation, Baselines and Indicators / Risks and Uncertainty (# RBG/856/11 - 857/11)
- 2010: £102,352 – PI, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation – Classification and Conservation Assessment of Lichen Communities (# 09-3187)
- 2009: £48,000 – PI, Scottish Natural Heritage PhD Studentship – Quantifying the Climate Change Response of Micro-Organism (Desmid) Diversity in Scotland's Blanket Mires (# SNH-SEPA-09)
- 2008: £4500 – PI, Cairngorms National Park Authority – Long-term Monitoring of Lichen Indicators in Montane Heathland (# LAG-029)
- 2008: £45,000 – PI, Scottish Natural Heritage – Measuring the Diversity of Lichen Epiphytes in an Atlantic Oakwood Chronosequence (# ref-25469)
- 2007: £107,309 – PI, The Leverhulme Trust – Britain's Lost Biodiversity, A Unique Baseline for Environmental Recovery (# F/00 771/B)
- 2005: £2500 – PI, Botanic Garden National Membership Board – The Ecology and Conservation of Epiphytes in Juniper Scrub (# CF-095)
Infrastructure grants
- 2019: £4917 – Friends of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh – Temperate Rainforest Training (# CF-095)
- 2017: £10,000 – SNIFFER (Adaptation Scotland) – Edinburgh Re-Greening Streets (AS-ALECE-PP)
- 2000: $CAN 11,200 – Polar Continental Shelf Project – Holocene Climate Change and the Development of Peat-Forming High Arctic Wetland (# 647-00)
- 1998: £4800 – NERC – Radiocarbon Dating British Blanket Mire Development and Erosion (# 739/0498)
- 1997: £2800 – NERC – Radiocarbon Dating British Blanket Mire Development and Erosion (# 700/0697)
Travel grants
- 2012: £1470 – British Lichen Society – The Conservation Biology of Boreal and Temperate Rainforests, 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology, Glasgow (# SC / BLS-2012)
- 2012: £1548 – The Sibbald Trust – The Conservation Biology of Boreal and Temperate Rainforests, 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology, Glasgow (# SC / SIB-2012)
- 2011: £500 – British Lichen Society – International Association of Lichenology 7, Bangkok (# SC / BLS-2011)
- 2008: £950 – The Sibbald Trust – British Lichen Society Swinscow Lecture (# SC / SIB-2008)
- 2005: £602 – The Royal Society – Conservation Ecology of Cryptogams, Mid-Sweden University, Sundsvall (# 2005.R3)
- 2002: £610 – The Royal Society – International Mycological Congress 7, Oslo (# 27457/022/H4)
Editorial roles
- The Lichenologist: Senior Editor (2020-); Editorial Board (2017-2020)
Boards and committees
- 2018-: Steering Group Member, Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest
- 2017-: Steering Group Member, UK State of Nature Report
- 2014-2023: Board Member, Edinburgh Living Landscape Project
- 2016-2022: Directorate, Centre of Expertise in Climate Change (ClimateXChange)
- 2018-2021: Ordinary Member, Environment and Economy Leaders Group EU Exit Committee
- 2017-2021: Chair, Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Habitats and Species Working Group
- 2016-2021: Ex Officio Member, IUCN Species Survival Commission Lichen Specialist Group
- 2016-2021: Institutional Lead, Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme Theme 1 Natural Assets
- 2016-2018: Advisor, Met Office Non-Government User Group, UKCP18 Climate Change Scenarios
- 2014-2021: Expert Panel Member, Scientific Advisory Committee NatureScot (formerly SNH)
- 2013-2017: Ordinary Member, Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Habitats and Species Working Group
- 2011-2017: Co-Lead, Centre of Expertise in Climate Change (ClimateXChange) Adaptation Programme
- 2011-2016: Institutional Lead, Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme Theme 1 Ecosystem Services and Theme 3 Land Use
Society membership
- American Bryological and Lichenological Society (2018-)
- British Ecological Society (1995-); Scottish Policy Group (2018-2021)
- British Lichen Society (2003-); Council Member (2006-2008; 2020-), Secretary (2010-2015)
- International Association of Lichenology (2012-); Council Member (2016-2021)
Discover more
- Dr Neil Bell
- Dr Emma Bush
- Dr David Chamberlain
- Dr Brian Coppins
- Dr Matt Elliot
- Dr David Genney
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- Dr Stephan Helfer
- Mr Neville Kilkenny
- Dr David Long
- Dr Vladimir Krivtsov
- Dr Rebecca Yahr
- Prof David Mann
- Dr Elizabeth Kungu
- Dr Joanne Taylor
- Caitlyn Johnstone
- Dr Juan Carlos Villarreal
- Prof Roy Watling
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